PharmacyChecker Blog

Helping Americans Get The Truth About Prescription Drug Savings
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There is profound frustration and anger reverberating throughout the diabetic community due to the skyrocketing prices of insulin in the United States. Pharmaceutical companies like Novo Nordisk, Eli Lilly and Sanofi are charging out-of-reach prices for insulin medications necessary for diabetics’ survival.

On September 9th, 2017, over forty people gathered outside of Eli Lilly headquarters in Indianapolis to make a statement on behalf of American citizens living with diabetes and, in actuality, all Americans who face the highest drug prices in the world.

For the many supporters that could not attend the demonstration—and, believe us, there are many: six million Americans are insulin dependent—T1International organized a Day of Action call-in on September 8th during which patients led the charge in contacting lawmakers. Concerned citizens called to inform, educate and advocate for lowering insulin prices and increasing access in America. This effort included moving testimony from people who deal with this debilitating disease every day.

When insulin was first discovered, in 1922, it was intended it to be accessible for all. Now, almost 100 years later, the cost of insulin in the USA is causing people to ration insulin and skip injections. The call-in included a statement from the mother of a young man who died of diabetic ketoacidosis after rationing insulin because he could not afford the price of full doses.

Not surprisingly, prices for insulin are much lower in Canada. What is surprising is that, on top of the cheaper price tag, insulin is sold there without a prescription. Remember that even if a medication doesn’t require a prescription in Canada, if it does in the U.S. and you’re an American ordering from a PharmacyChecker-approved online pharmacy, then you’ll need a prescription!

Follow these supporting organizations for updates on #insulin4all actions:


People of Faith for Access to Medicines

Public Citizen

Patients for Affordable Drugs

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