PharmacyChecker Blog

Helping Americans Get The Truth About Prescription Drug Savings
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Drug Price S.O.S Revisited: 25 Million Americans Skip Taking Needed Medication Due to Cost

Just over one year ago we launched this blog with a post called Drug Price S.O.S. – 120 Million Americans Struggle to Afford Medicine. That number came from a 2008 Harvard School of Public Health study showing that 4 in 10 Americans have trouble affording their prescription drugs. Sadly, the situation has gotten worse.

As reported on and Reuters, new information released by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics shows a dramatic increase in the number of American adults who are unable to afford healthcare.  From 1997 to 2009 the precentage of Americans  not taking their medications due to cost nearly doubled from – increasing  from 4.8 to 8.4%.  The earlier Harvard study mentioned above shows 40 percent of Americans struggling with costs; that could mean pill splitting, skipping doses, taking alternatives, or simply going without needed medication.  The recent government statistics are clear about how many Americans don’t take their medication due to cost: 25 million! [8.4% of 300 million (the U.S. population) = 25 million]. (more…)

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Obama Interview Shows Americans Highly Concerned About Drug Prices; Drug Importation Mentioned as Potential Solution

Last week, YouTube hosted a question and answer session at the White House with President Barack Obama. Americans across the country submitted over 140,000 questions to YouTube, and over a million people voted on which of those questions moderator Steve Grove should ask the president. We were not surprised to find out that the top healthcare question related to none other than prescription drug prices and importation:

Why [does] the same medication that I use cost so much less in Mexico or Canada even though it is being made here in the United States? (Noah, 00:29:03)

Obama’s answer was upfront and honest, and frankly, we liked what he had to say. The president said, “Canada and Mexico are bulk purchasers of those drugs, so they negotiate much cheaper drug prices with the drug companies. We still don’t do that, and I actually think it’s something we should do – it would save us money.” We were also pleased to hear him reopening communication about drug importation. “It may be that importation is still something we should look at in terms of further lowering the price of drugs,” the president said. (more…)

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State of The Union For Prescription Drug Prices Not So Strong

In the State of the Union speech last night, President Obama highlighted prescription savings benefits in his otherwise brief coverage of new healthcare reform. As we’ve previously reported, and President Obama was clear to state, those prescription savings will go mostly to our nation’s seniors who are enrolled in Medicare. Beginning last September, many of America’s seniors received $250 rebate checks for prescription drug costs, a small step toward affordable healthcare. Better yet, starting this year, the coverage gap will narrow, with enrollees receiving a 50% discount on brand name drugs, and by 2020, a 75% discount. While the “doughnut hole” will not fully be closed, the savings will mean that far fewer Medicare enrollees will face exorbitant brand name drug prices out of pocket. (more…)

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Congressman Ron Paul Introduces Bill to Legalize Drug Re-Importation Through Online Pharmacies

We recently reported that Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IW) voiced his vehement support for legalizing drug importation to lower brand name drug prices, in an attempt to bring greater fairness to the market. We’re now pleased to report the first bill of the year calling for the reform of our nation’s current laws that seem to protect the pharmaceutical industry to the detriment of the American consumer.

On January 5th, 2011, Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) introduced the Prescription Drug Affordability Act, which would amend the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. We applaud the bill’s intent because it seeks to do away with unfair trade laws and policies applied to drug pricing by allowing Americans to purchase lower cost prescription drugs safely from other countries without the threat of prosecution. Congressman Paul has introduced similarly named bills in prior years that have not become law. As the need for affordable medication is now greater than ever, H.R. 147 should stand a better chance at becoming law. (more…)

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Senator Grassley Signals a Possible Comeback for Drug Importation Legislation

With drug importation champion Senator Byron Dorgan’s departure from the Senate, advocates for lower drug prices were concerned that no one would step up to the plate. Raising the issue from the dead, in an interview yesterday with, Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA), who supported the Dorgan bill, has boldly picked up the torch unambiguously voicing his continuing support of the legislation to allow lower priced drug imports.

Senator Grassley’s frames the issue as follows:

“Giving American consumers access to imported prescription drugs would force pharmaceutical companies to re-evaluate this unfair pricing strategy and drive U.S. prices down. It’s a free-trade issue. American consumers are able to buy almost every other product available from other countries. The same should be true for prescription drugs.” (more…)

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More Chain Stores Pick Up $2 Generic Medicare Drug Plan Option

Earlier this month we reported on the UnitedHealthcare Pharmacy Saver plan for Medicare Part D. This plan offers enrollees many of their generic prescriptions for just $2 (some 30- and some 90-day supplies) at Kroger and Safeway chain stores. Our research found that although a few popular generics were not covered by the plan, there was a fairly low co-pay anyway, so cost-wise, UnitedHealthcare has presented a solid Medicare drug plan.

One of our concerns was that those individuals who do not live near a Kroger or Safeway chain will not have easy access to their prescriptions. Well, we have good news to pass on – last week, announced that Bloom, H-E-B, Hy-Vee, Food Lion, Harveys, Publix Super Markets, Sweetbay Supermarket and Target chains have all joined as participating pharmacies.

This expansion is great, though we still encourage you to compare this plan with others on It’s important to fit all plan variables to your needs. And remember, just ten more days until open enrollment closes!

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