Sleeping Woman by Gyula Derkovits [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
A friend of mine, let’s call her Bertha, who is on Medicare Part D, is prescribed and takes Zolpidem. For most of the year, she only had to make a co-payment of about $3 at her local pharmacy. Then, a couple of months ago, the same pharmacy told Bertha that the price jumped to $46 for a one-month supply because her Part D plan had annual quantity restrictions for that medication.
So Bertha went to PharmacyChecker.com, typed in Zolpidem, then clicked 5mg, and read the following:
Why not? Because Ambien (Zolpidem) is a controlled medication, meaning one subject to abuse, and we don’t allow online pharmacies that sell controlled medication internationally in our Verification Program. Rogue online pharmacies, domestic or foreign, might offer to sell you this medication without a prescription but don’t buy it: you’re risking your health by doing so. Even if they sell you the real thing, we strongly recommend not using controlled drugs without a prescription on or offline. The good news for Americans is that, if they shop around, the generic version of Ambien can be very affordable at the corner pharmacy. Prescription discount coupons often make them even more affordable. A new feature on PharmacyChecker.com (that is still being tested so be patient) can help…and so our story continues.
Under the notification “Online pharmacies in our program do not offer Zolpidem”, Bertha read the following
“But if you’re in the U.S., you can compare drug prices at your local pharmacies using a prescription discount card or coupon.”
She then clicked the “Search U.S. Local Pharmacy” button (see example below)–
–typed in her zip code and compared neighborhood pharmacy prices that are only available using a prescription discount coupon. She discovered that the cash price with the coupon was only about $10 – much better than the $46 she would have had to pay without insurance. She went to her local pharmacy and filled the script with no problems.
Like most Americans, Bertha has health insurance and a prescription drug plan. Unfortunately, tens of millions still do not. For them, if they get a script for Ambien, the savings can be even more dramatic with a prescription coupon or discount card. For example, I found at least one pharmacy charging $159 for a one-month supply of Zolpidem 5mg! Against that price, finding it for ten bucks with a coupon is a savings of $149/month or 94%!
If you’re still awake after reading this, I’m going to throw you a curve ball: there is a lot of controversy about prescription sleep medication, including Ambien, related to overprescribing, side effects, and questionable benefits. I found a good article about it in the New York Times and I recommend it. But if you get that prescription from your healthcare provider for Ambien, and are ready to fill it: go local, not international and check local pharmacy prices on PharmacyChecker.com.
Tagged with: Ambien, controlled drugs, discount drug cards, local p, verified pharmacies, Zopidem
There are no good generic Ambient manufacturers left in the American market. ALL of the generics are far inferior to the branded Ambien. I am a physician, and I can tell you that it is a myth that generics are equal to the branded medications. Some are good, some are mediocre, and some are terrible!
I noticed that my ambien i got in the beginning worked well the ones i get now do not work as good and the shape and color of pills have changed 3 times so i havs to take more and then left with none untill new script is written
This too i Ann interested in. I find it hard to foloweow all of this.. I lost my 22 year old son and would like time to gather these overwhelming thoughts while at the same time keeping his 4 brothers engaged not being able to stay calm and sleep for hours is what I need I need to know what is recommended for me. I want the nigjtmares gone and to be able to function normally during the day and to sleep a full nights sleep is there anyone qotmscould leadme to where I need to be or a frig that would work better over all?? thanj you just got listening .
I need Ambien to sleep though flashbacks and nightmares as I have severe PTSD from am abusive husband. People who condemn these aids have no idea what they are talking about…..
To Ike’s lady~ I’m there with you!!!! Same problem and same reason!!!! The creep!!! I’m an RN on top of it & need to work all kinds of extra shifts ( midnights and days) to make ends meet . It’s OK though!! We will make it. I just hope we can get the sleep aid that we NEED. I say to docs, that I’m not addicted to the med so don’t worry worry- I’m addicted to getting 5 hours sleep for crying out loud!! So I can function, so I can be productive and take care of myself!!!! Ambien WORKS, NO HARM!!! I go right to sleep/ I’m not engaging in unsafe behavior so don’t compare us to those who do! We take the med for why it is made!!!! Feel refreshed after sleep! Sleep deprivation is much more dangerous than Ambien- if taken properly! Good luck Trish! xo
Oh sister. So much no one can do that what you are doing. Group therapy. You have to get with people going through what your are going through and get IT OUT. ITS STILL vivid. You haven’t processed it completely. You gotta get with others with the same pain and fight together
I agree!
I have had severe insomnia all my adult life. My doctor initially tried me on antipsychotics and mood elevators. Did nothing for my sleep, but I was having bouts of extreme paranoia.
I started taking Halcion in the 80’s, then was switched to another sleeper I can’t remember. In early 2000’s I was started on Lunesta. That was the biggest waste of my money-
In 2007, my physician ordered me Ambien. For the first time in years, I didn’t have to augment my sleeper with Benadryl.
I belong to a job that greatly reduces prescription costs if purchased 3 months at a time.
I developed tolerence to the 5mg rather quickly, but the 10mg held me in good stead for aporox 4 years.
I have been on 12.5mg now for over 6 years.
What I have seen in that time is the cost of the medication increase, generics taking precedence, and less efficacy with the more recent pills.
The original Ambien guaranteed me no less than 6 hours sleep a night.
With the first trade to generic form, not much difference was noted, but subsequnt refills have resulted in pills going from oval blue to round pink to round blue. I have been using the same mail-in pharmacy for 6 years now. When I called and questioned them about their genericss, they sail all meds are filled by the generic unless it is specified that brand name only is used.
These newer 12.5 mg Zolpidem XR is awful! Some nights I get 0 sleep! When I do get sleep, it is because I have gone against my doctor’s advice and taken the sleeper along with Tramafol, but that only affords me 2-3 hours of sleep. I know we aren’t supposed to double Zolpidem, but the pharmacy will not refill early!
I’m screwed!
Christ, I thought I was the only one doing the same thing. My generic ambien has gotten increasingly worse over time. I’ve been doing the same thing by augmenting with benadryl. Anyone who thinks that generics are equivalent all the time to the branded drugs are naive, or simply do not have first hand knowledge. For instance, I took Ambien in one 30 supply, and when that ran out, my insurance would only allow Zolpidem. The efficacy dropped off sharply. There is no way you can dismiss it as “developing a tolerance” in literally a couple of days. And the effectiveness is totally a crapshot depending on the generic manufacturer.
Worst yet, I’ve had pharmacists treat me like a drug addict for a drug that is a schedule 4 (the lowest risk of abuse). They also put your name on the DEA list for controlled substance, so if you run out you’re screwed until the next refill. Ambien changed my life in a good way, because I could actually sleep. I went for years without adequate sleep and my health was just unravelling. The only good thing is that I have an understanding doctor.
I have been in Ambien for 19 years…. I’ve had severe insomnia all of my life. It subsided during ( of all times, pregnancy! Ironically, I slept like a log) over the years, I’ve been in Restoril which I got in the hospital postpartum. Scripts got it helped me for years. Then the Ambien craze. 12.5 didn’t work. 5 and then 10 mg of regular release Ambien were not effective at all. Like taking candy. Then a doctor bumped my up to 20 mg snd AAHJHHH. I slept like a rock AND woke up alert – even MORE alert then ever!!! It’s Quick acting so I take it in bed, with my water at the bedside… yeah it hits me that fast! But as quickly as it hits me, it’s out of me due to its short half life. “ quick in / quick out” …. docs have a fit when they look at how much I’m on at my age of 61- my small stature… and the length of time I’ve been on it. WELL DOCS- I SAY… sit WORKS- it doesn’t inhibit ANY part of my life- Sleep deprivation is a dangerous thing…. I sleep well and wake well without drowsiness. – Focs just have to start believing that the SMALLER doses are NOT effective and once a patient is capped off at a dose that IS effective… it’s good for the duration of the Ned use. They don’t want or need to keep climbing up. Above all of this…. I’m an RN and each time I give this in the hospital… the patient is literally walking the halls an hour later claiming it didn’t work. So I call the doc & getan additional dose . Voila- it does. Doc s are always reluctant but once they know me, they remember that I have knowledge of this and it IS just a one time dose. I WATCH the patient like a HAWK for respect depression and NEVER have seen it with Ambien- this is MOT A NARCOTIC!!!! ( which Im not an advocate- FYI…. anyway- Ambien needs to be studied for an increase on the standard dose range… instead of 5-10…. it should be 5-20…. of course being conservative when we CAN , DONT tell some patients that they CANNOT HAVE 30 mg – That it’s “ too much” it’s not- for some… for most of us- it’s the perfect dose…. with this drug “ ONE SIZE DOEST FIT ALL”
Like most of you I am a lifelong insomniac. I’ve bee on zolpidem for 15 years but the quality has diminished and what lasted.30 days now lasts 10. I’m desperate to find more. I’ve tried to order online but it got intercepted by the government and I lost the drugs and the money I had paid for then. I’m at my wits end. Any help to be found would be appreciated.
How did you get your doctor to prescribe 29mg? At this point I go through 30 in 10-15 days then use alcohol the rest of the month. It truly sucks. If you could respond to my email, I would be grateful.
How do u get Dr to increase to 20mg. I’m lucky she will give me 5mg and I’m like u 25 years insomnia.
What mail in pharmacy do u use ? I’m scared to purchase online wasting money & not knowing if they are real!!
Me too Jody. Did you finally get it and how please. No sleep is no joke. I don’t abuse what little I get. I just don’t get enough
Which online pharmacy did you use? Medicare says I can only have 90 pills A YEAR!!! And my doctor reduced from 19 to 5. It’s the only thing that has ever worked.
Im in the same boat for years i would go with just an 30 min to an hour of sleep a night. I finaly found a solution 10mg of ambian at night befor bed and it worked well for a while. Some nights had to take 15 mg at night just to get 5 or 6 hours of sleep. Tried filling it early and the pharmacy would not do it. My doctor called in a new percription with a refill of 20 and it says must last 28 days on the bottle. How am i sopposed to make 20 pills last 28 days.. I think most of the time these doctors and pharmacy have no idea what it is like to not sleep at night.. Has anybody else had this issue with there pharmacy or doctors?
I totally agree!! The pills have become less effective through the years. I was taking a small round blue pill that worked all the time and they said they couldn’t get it any more. Since then none of the other brands have worked without taking one and a half. Then I’m left with 2 weeks of absolutely no sleep cause I can’t get a refill !!!
That is my problem also, and my insurance will only pay for 30 pills a month.
Ordered online ambien and it was intercepted by the government. Does anyone still get this online?virginia
Ambien cr 12.5 and still awake.
I attest to that! I have been taking zambien for years as my career takes me through time zones and my circadian rhythm is damaged for life. The past couple of years I was given Zolpidem. The first ones to hit the market did the job. But then gradually Indian made Zolpidem invaded the US market and offers an inferior product. Instead of the 8 h of sleep with Ambient I was getting 7h. Sometimes less. No quality control and fillers are the problem. CVS and Walgreen only use Torrent (India).
Why is it such a sin to want to sleep at night. Some of us CAN NOT go to sleep..
You’re RIGHT, Ike’s lady!!! I’ve had night terrors and insomnia for 20 years! It’s so real and LADT night, I was without Ambien( the ONLY drug that relieves this! ) Likee Ed clockwork I had brutal nightmares … woke up in cold sweat shaking. Doc doesn’t believe me. Gives me Seroquel/ did NOTHONG but make me feel weird and sick in head snd stomach for days!!! Smbirn is daft for me. I take it at bedside. Sleep soundly and wake refreshed – have productive day!! Ok- ambien May be bad for SOME – just like ANY med! … but it’s perfect for me. Ivee Ed been on it fof 20 years because it WOTKS. Even while hospitalized.. they gave it to me without problem ! Don’t Docs CARE about us? Why “ fix” what is not broken????? If it were heart meds- they’d give that- well my sleep med I need as badly! Please treat patients case by case – WE ARE UNIQUE! I myself/ dong need anything else. Just Ambien ONCE at hour of slerp! That’s it!! Then I function… I csn WORK/ care for my grandkids, etc. without it- I’m a mess next day!!!! Try going to work sleep deprived, Docs- For weeks- NO sleep … go ahead and you’ll understand!
My wife took brand Ambien for a long time and slept well with it. She tried generics several times as required by her insurance and never slept much on them and had side effects including headaches. The insurance then allowed her to go back to Ambien at a $150 copay, but in the last year have denied Ambien only allowing Zolpidem. We tried getting Ambien but at over $500 a month we could not continue it so she is back on Zolpidem and has not slept well since. She is now having to take pain medication on top of the Zolpidem – as recommended by her physician – and is still not sleeping well. Zopidem is not the same as Ambien no matter how everyone tries to sell the story that it is just as effective. It is not and it is my belief that the generics are more dangerous with more side effects in and of itself let alone having to add another dangerous medication
I read and hear a lot about generics and non-generic meds and how people have side effects or the generics don’t work as well, but nothing at all about trying the generic and regular med without knowing if it’s real or generic. Put on a blindfold and the significant other gives one or the other for a week or so. Total up the results. The power of suggestion when taking generics can have an effect on how the patient feels the drug worked.
The Veteran’s Administration is dispensing generic Zolpidem made by Teva of Czechoslovakia. Selah.
Can I buy Ambien in checzoslavakia?
Let me know what you find out
Can I buy Anbien without a prescription in denver?
You must have a prescription to purchase Ambien. You can search PharmacyChecker for discount coupons available at local Denver pharmacies. The generic version of Ambien sold in the U.S., zolpidem, costs about 90% less than the brand. Scroll to the bottom of this page: https://www.pharmacychecker.com/ambien/ and enter your zip code to compare prices.
Call your surrounding pharmacies and ask what the prescription would cost without insurance. I found that if it didnt go thru on my insurance, i could pay cash and get it for under $10.
My doctor will not prescribe Ambien/Zolpidem because I am too ‘old’ at 62. Unfortunately, I am not too old to quit working at my very stressful job. I was able to take a half-dose to fall asleep and I wasn’t groggy in the morning. So now I go to work 2 or 3 times a week on zero sleep. This is healthy? I drive to work on no sleep. This is safe? She wants me to take an antidepressant instead. So that I would be drugged all day long!–obviously a much safer alternative! My question is: where can a person buy this drug illegally? I am at that point. I could walk down the street and legally buy all the cannabis I don’t want. I just want to sleep!
my doctor gave me trazadone – its an antidepressant that also aids sleep. works great at first but easy to get a tolerance if you take it everyday. it doesnt make me feel drugged, like when i once tried prozac.
Old standby with nasty side effects.
It has been shown to cause dementia if taken over a period of time.
I can identify with Margaret. I have multiple sleep issues … restless leg syndrome, arthritis in both hips, obstructive sleep apnea … and have been taking 10 mg Zolpidem for 12 years with absolutely no problems or side effects. Earlier this year, my doctor said he had to lower the dosage from 10 mg to 5 mg because the FDA decided that women, especially “older” women, shouldn’t take more than 5 mg. Now, thanks to the FDA’s idiotic decision, I walk around like a zombie all day. I usually can’t fall asleep until 4:00 or 5:00 a.m. and get up at 8:00 a.m. I’m so dead tired all day long, if I sit down and close my eyes for a few minutes, I fall asleep. Being sleep deprived for the past six months has put me in much more danger than if I would still be taking the 10 mg Zolpidem. A few months ago, I had a pot of potatoes boiling on the stove. While waiting, I sat down on a chair and started to read the newspaper, but quickly fell asleep. I awoke to a horrible smell. All the water had boiled away, the potatoes looked like black petrified pieces of wood, and the pot was so hot, the outside color had changed from red to orange. I’m very lucky my kitchen didn’t catch on fire. Had I not been so sleep deprived, that incident would not have happened. Margaret is correct when she says we could walk down the street and buy all the cannabis we don’t want, but we’re unable to buy the sleep medication we desperately need to be able to function normally.
I would def switch doctors
That’s where I’m at. Doctor shoving antidepressants at me when I just want to sleep. I’m looking at buying illegal cause I’m that desparate.
I’m in same boat. So totally fed up with pharmacists who play God. The refuse to fill ambien script from pcp for differing reasons saying it cannot be prescribed by primary care because I’m in. Pain mgmt since 2000 and see him once a month. I MUST have only one Dr.
Or that my PvP doesn’t realize how dangerous ambien is. What is happening with this?
I cannot sleep and have insomnia for 15 yrs as well as chronic pain. What do I do when young pharmacy mgrs. are in charge of everything?
I am ready to die because of all this.
Wow. I know that feeling
Folks, there are ways to learn about insomnia and getting treatment. I live in Philadelphia and finally after so many years a doctor suggested I get into a sleep program at University of Penn. And for once it was one that was not interested in telling me I had sleep apnea. In short it is a cognitive sleep therapy program. The concept is that you start to tell your body that no matter what you go to bed the exact same time and wake up the same time. And if in between you get up. Get out of bed and out of bedroom for 15mins and do something like read, fold towels etc, then go back to bed. Don’t allow yourself more than seven hours from time to bed to time wake up. Eventually your brain will learn that bedroom is for sleeping only and to take advantage of that time in bed. Avoid naps and sleeping anytime after that set bed time.
Here we are, intelligent, professional women, with a single problem- chronic insomnia. With a drug we have all used that helps out singular problem. And yet we can’t get it, we can’t get enough of it, we can’t get it consistently or without interference from pharmacy. I ask you. How can we band together to get what we need, in spite of the medical establishment. Someone must have have idea or two. Please share with us. .
@Karen, I agree. Maybe a Facebook group page? Citizens for Sleep? lol
I am in the same boat. I have an idea. How do I contact you?
Kingzoc@aol.com same heredamn FDA my husband can get it. I think it’s a sexist call. I feel discriminated againt cause I’m female, I can put up with men and a do mens job, but I can’t have the same script. I call bullshit.
How are you sleeping
Same here. Except the local government will not allow ambien and pain meds prescribed together
That’s terrible! I feel for you!!! I AGREE with the fact that they want us to work at 62 but ” too old” to take a medication that WORKS for us???? I would be so mad! I take Ambien almost each night, and I’m a 60 year old nurse. It’s got s short half life so it’s quick in and wick out. I make sure that I’m in bed – ALL TUCKED IN then I take it with my water at bedside. By early AM I wake refreshed. I cannot work sleep deprived!!!! I wish you lived closer to me. Good luck!
Living closer – you could see my doc! You need to sleep- NOT DIE!!!!
Where do you live? I also need to change Dr. I live in Aurora Colorado. For some reason my current Dr decided I should not take ambien anymore. I don’t feel comfortable calling Doctor offices and asking.
I need help too. I have been on 10mg. Zolpidem for 2 years after a stroke left me with insomnia and chronic pain in my left side. Now all of the sudden my dr. Decided I just dont need it anymore. I do need it. What can i do? Where can i go? I’m ready to buy illegally just to get some sleep. Help!
How is the sleep challenge
:what happens when your zolpidem package is intercepted by thr government? Can you ever place another order?
That is crazy. You need a Dr that has a clue and a heart that’s just bullshit
Why don’t you go to a different physician?
I go to work without sleep. I wish there was a better way
I am a disabled Vet and due to a Traumatic Brain Injury I took Ambien for many years due to chronic insomnia. The VA no longer prescribed Ambian. Has anyone had success purchasing Ambien from another country such as China? You can PM me at my FB page
Hi – First, thank you for your service to our country. Ambien is a controlled drug, meaning one subject to addiction, and the PharmacyChecker Verification Program is not open to Canadian and other international pharmacies that ship controlled medication into the U.S. and we don’t recommend those that do
The generic, Zolpidem, is available in the U.S. at very low cost. You can compare prices among local U.S. pharmacies with a discount card here: https://www.pharmacychecker.com/generic/price-comparison/zolpidem/10+mg/. Just type in your zip code.
…and furthermore, upon attempting to sign up for the site to receive price alerts, the ‘retype the code from this picture box’ section does not work. It just says ‘loading’ and never actually loads.
Also, there is no place to type in a zip code, as stated above.
Please advise.
Hi Phil –
You visited our site one day when maintenance was occurring. Sorry for the inconveniences. Please try again.
Can I buy ambien from your pharmacy, or can your pharmacist call in for pickup?
It is not a problem getting them for 30 days. The problem is I need 45 days worth of 10 mg for it to be effective. Nobody will prescribe more than what I now get. I take on time and do not abuse and feel I am responsible enough to make this decision. What to do?
The price is having to first seek out multiple doctors.
Then having to go see the doctor once a month for a medication that is barely effective.
This is a policy issue. The boards and DEA have their eyes on this harmless pill but the public is letting repulsive non-prescribed drugs come into common usage.
The issue isn’t really the price, it is getting the prescription to begin with. I’m a disabled veteran who needs Ambien to sleep. I’ve never bought illegal drugs in my life, but it’s looking more and more like I will have to resort to it.
Did you find a solution to the ambian issue? Im having exact same problem.
When clicking the link to PharmacyChecker.com above this comment box, to find prices on Ambien/Zolpidem, the site says”Online pharmacies in our program do not offer Zolpidem 10 mg for sale.”
Is this true? Why would Gabriel Levitt make a statement indicating that it is indeed available?
Hi Phil –
Thanks for reading our blog.
What I wrote in this post is that people can search on our site for local U.S. pharmacy prices for Zolpidem, the generic of Ambien – but not to buy it online from Canadian pharmacies or other international pharmacies.
I would Love an MD to give a better answer to the problem of “Im 62 & my Dr. Wont scrib Ambien for safety reasons”.
Im a very young 55 & was on Ambien for years. Now…my new GP in 2018 wont prescribe ANYTHING, no benzos.
I too have noded off on my way home from work while driving or sitting at my desk. Do Drs not care, understand OR not allowed to scrib Ambien. Its safer than me dozing off & killing someone.
Its forced me to go online but its SOOOO expensive that i cant. So, doctors….where does that leave all of us??
Signed- The Biggest Little City, NV
I know, I’ve bought it twice from China or whereverthehehell this place is. Google “ Ambien without Prescription “ 200 dollars for a bottle of 30 (versus my prescription for like $9), but I’m desperate, that last week waiting for my prescription to refill is killer…. no sleep!
We strongly discourage people from buying controlled, addictive prescription drugs online from online pharmacies that don’t require a prescription, or internationally. Rogue online pharmacies that sell addictive prescription drugs without requiring a valid prescription endanger patients and are more likely to sell counterfeit medicines. https://www.pharmacychecker.com/buying-controlled-medication-online-has-serious-risks/
Could you tell me how to do that
I tried to purchase generic ambien from another country without a prescription. I Purchased with a Visa and they said payment may be delayed. I waited two weeks and my purchase was never completed. UGGG so disappointed and desperate!
Vivian, do you really get Ambiem
Have any of you thought about doing a sleep study? On line you can find one. You collect urine in a vile twice a day and at certain times throughout the day you put saliva in a vile. Send it back to them. I found out that I don’t produce all of the chemicals a body produces throughout the day. That’s why I have to take ambien. I now do not have insurance. My doctor wants $212 just for me to walk in so she can hand me a piece of paper. It’s the law. She has to see me once a year. I’m never in need of a doctor. On line prices with no prescription is absurd! In 7 days I’ll be fuc…
What is the difference from getting meds from your company vs a pharmacy
We are not a pharmacy. PharmacyChecker verifies online pharmacies for your safety while shopping meds online, ensuring you avoid counterfeit medications.
Here is a list of verified online pharmacies that meet critical safety standards to protect patient health when buying online: https://www.pharmacychecker.com/online-pharmacy-ratings/
We require our member pharmacy websites to disclose average processing and shipping times so customers will know what to expect. We also require members to ensure that the consumer has access to a pharmacist for consultation and require that they clearly publish a working telephone number and valid mailing address on their website. Most members have a “Contact us” page on their websites, which also typically includes their business hours. Some pharmacies also have a “live chat” option allowing you to ask questions while on the pharmacy’s website.
I am a 64 year old male who suffers from insomnia can anyone tell me a good source to purchase zolpidem with a personal check my name is don and I can be contacted at 770 572 7045
47 year old male here. I take generic ambien 10mg with 10mg Melatonin everynight. It works 75% of the time. Getting the script though seems always a hassle, have to call doc and pharmacy every month. I would recommend to anyone to find a doc that is sympathetic to your problem and will help. I used to have a doc who just said, “well some people just can’t sleep” and refused me treatment. My current doc is great.
Brian, I hear ya! I usually have to call my doc about 4 times to get refills. (He is soon to be my ex doc because I simply cannot tolerate that scramble at the end of the month to practically beg and plead to refill my meds. I think he’s got some kind of power trip going. And you can tell he’s NEVER suffered from insomnia. He’s wanted me to do guided meditation instead of Ambien. He recently cut me down to 5mg because I am a woman of a certain age. So I’m lucky to get 5 hrs a night now, and there’s always a couple of days each month that I’m out of meds (awake for 24-48 hrs straight) because he hasn’t deigned to return my calls requesting a refill. This is a miracle drug with few side effects, works beautifully, and I don’t care if I’m on it the rest of my life.
I live in Australia and have had insomnia most of my adult life I was taking zolpidem 10mg and sleep was fantastic for years. All of a sudden my doc tells me he will not supply it anymore and now I get less sleep every night. My work is phsyicaly demanding and at times my body is absouloutley exhausted and no sleep comes . Everyone treats me like a drug addict, it seems to me as of only a insomniac would understand this. Normal sleepers tell me just close my eyes and sleep will come but hours on end of closed eyes doesn’t work. my question is simply this has anyone bought online in OZ and can recommend where I am worried it will be stopped by customs and waste my time and money. PLEASE HELP
Did you ever get any recommendation for where to buy on line and not lose your money
I have the same question as Arlene. Can anyone recommend an online pharmacy and not lose your money. The prices on some sites are astronomical but I need to get some sleep and zolpidem is the only thing that helps.
Hi everyone — Canadian or other international online pharmacies accredited through the PharmacyChecker Verification Program are prohibited from shipping controlled medications into the United States. If you live in the U.S., you can still get discounts from your local pharmacy. Enter your ZIP Code to find discount zolpidem prices in your area: https://www.pharmacychecker.com/zolpidem/
Wow I couldn’t read all the comments, it’s just reassuring knowing I’m not alone with this!