by Gabriel Levitt, President, and Prescription Justice | May 11, 2010 | Healthcare Reform
We reported and discussed the generally positive changes to Medicare’s Part D brought about by the new healthcare law, including a 50% reduction of drug prices during the coverage gap (the “doughnut hole”) in 2011. But the devil is always in the details. According to AARP, federal regulations drafted by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) may provide loopholes for some insurers whereby not all plans would have to meet this requirement. The AARP notes that it will closely monitor the actions of pharmaceutical companies to ensure that they are living up to their commitments to bring down drug prices for our seniors and other Medicare enrollees. commits to do the same and to help those who are falling through the cracks by providing information about finding safe and affordable medication online.
Tagged with: Healthcare Reform, Medicare, pharmaceutical companies, seniors
by Gabriel Levitt, President, and Prescription Justice | May 6, 2010 | Medicare Drug Plans
Seniors and others on Medicare have enough trouble affording their prescription drugs and navigating the rough waters of finding the right drug plans. That there are con artists on the loose seeking to extract payments from the unsuspecting senior adds insult to injury. But savvy seniors will not be taken!! Here are the scams to look out for…
- Door-to-door salespeople and off-hours calling; agents must have an appointment and cannot call before 8a.m. or after 9p.m.
- Agents with invalid licenses. Confirm that they are valid and authorized.
- Agents asking for personal information (social security number, bank accounts) before first bill has been received. The Social Security Administration will never contact you over the phone or by e-mail.
- Unverified plans; check with 1-800-MEDICARE or
- Prizes or rewards in exchange for enrolling.
You can read and write reviews of Medicare drug plans at
Tagged with: Medicare, Medicare Drug Plans, seniors