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Helping Americans Get The Truth About Prescription Drug Savings
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Happy Halloween from PharmacyChecker BlogSeemingly holding more tricks than treats, the notion of enrolling or even changing your Medicare Part D plan for 2018 can be just a little daunting. The ratings and reviews on help take the guesswork out of choosing a Medicare Part D plan. The free forums both empower and help you evaluate which plan will be right for you. These are real reviews submitted by real people. You can also rate and review your own Medicare prescription drug plans to help others learn from your experience.

The forums have invaluable comments, complaints, and suggestions about Medicare plans, including advice concerning the haunting coverage gap (the “donut hole”) and the path to low-cost medications from reputable online pharmacies.

Below are some recent ratings and reviews from, ranging from one to four stars.

Haunted Savings

PLAN: First Health Part D Value Plus – Michigan

Medicare Drug Plans Ratings and Reviews


Dreadful Deductibles

PLAN: WPS MedicareRx Plan 1 – Wisconsin

Medicare Drug Plans Ratings and Reviews


Creepy Crawly Customer Service

PLAN: Magellan Rx Medicare Basic – Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming

Not-so-Petrifying Premiums

PLAN: WellCare Classic – Ohio



Learning from other Medicare enrollees is the best way to navigate the Part D haunted house. Ask or answer questions about drug plans, prescription drugs, and any other related topics.

Medicare Drug Plans Forums


Reminder: Part D open enrollment for 2018 has begun and will continue through December 7th.

Happy Halloween, everyone! has Part D Medicare prescription drug plan ratings and reviews to help you evaluate and find the best Medicare drug plan for 2016. You can easily compare costs of Medicare Part D plans to save money and rate and review your Medicare prescription drug plan to help others learn from your drug plan experience. Browse and contribute to our forums and read comments, complaints, and suggestions about Medicare plans, the coverage gap (the “donut hole”) and low-cost medications from reputable online pharmacies.

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