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Plavix Choice Card Program Tries A Doctor’s Patience

Update: 7/17/2012

When we initially published this blog post, Dr. Stephen Barrett from had reported significant difficulties using the Plavix Choice Card program. Dr. Barrett subsequently communicated these problems to Bristol-Myers Squib and Sanofi. On July 13th, Dr. Barrett reported that the problems had been fixed and concluded that the program is now a great way to save money on Plavix. For more, see

Buying Plavix at the cash price from your local pharmacy can run you about $2,500 per year! While the drug has recently gone off-patent and a generic version (clopidogrel) is available, the price of the first generic on the market is not much lower. Drug companies offer programs that purport to help Americans acquire the brand name version cheaply – Bristol-Meyers Squibb and Sanofi, the companies that market Plavix, offer the Plavix Choice Card Program. However, Dr. Stephen Barrett, a consumer advocate, recently tried using this program and found it unbelievably complicated – if not impossible – to use.

Dr. Stephen Barrett shares his Plavix Choice Card Program experience on his website We encourage you to read about it.

Another low-cost way to get this medication is through verified international online pharmacies. Below is a chart comparing prices from a local retail pharmacy in New York, a U.S. based online pharmacy, and from a pharmacy listed on As you can see, the savings using an international online pharmacy is even greater (86% savings) than with the Plavix discount program (82% savings). What’s more, unlike the discount program, you don’t have to “qualify” to get the savings.

Drug Prices For 3-Month Supply of Plavix (75 mg)

Local Retail Pharmacy* U.S. Online Pharmacy** Plavix Card Discount Program International Online Pharmacy on
Price $634.00 $585.00 $111.00 $88.20
Difference From Cash Price $49.00 $523.00 $545.80
Percent Savings 7.73% 82.49% 86.09%

* Pharmacy in New York City, price collected 6/11/2011
**, price collected 6/11/2012

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Sen. Olympia Snowe Makes Case For Safe Personal Drug Importation From Credentialed Online Pharmacies

UPDATE: the video showing Senator’s Snowe’s floor remarks is no longer available. Please consult the congressional record for this date to read Senator Snowe’s full remarks.

In support of Senator John McCain’s amendment to facilitate safe personal drug importation from credentialed online pharmacies, Senator Olympia Snowe spoke comprehensively, passionately and honestly about the issue. Though the amendment did not pass, Americans interested in online pharmacies and drug affordability should be aware of some of Ms. Snowe’s most pertinent points in support of personal drug importation. The full senate floor presentation is available for viewing as well.

  1. “Americans are facing tremendous increases in prescription drug prices for far too long and I think it’s at a point in which Congress should address this issue,” said Senator Snowe.In 2010 AARP found that retail prices for the most popular brand name drugs increased 41.5% while the consumer price index rose just 13%. In other words the cost of prescription drugs rose more than three times as much as the inflation rate.”
  2.  Senator Snowe wisely reminded her colleagues that most of “America’s” drug products are already manufactured overseas. Senator Snowe points out that the very medications America consumes come from manufacturing facilities in over 50 countries and “not all of those facilities are even inspected….”
  3. We need a more competitive pharmaceutical market. Senator Snowe points out (by quoting a former Pfizer CEO) that more competition from imported medication will lead to lower prices, higher quality products, and more innovation.
  4. The amendment is far more modest than previous drug importation bills and only calls for the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) to make a list of approved online pharmacies for personal drug importation but it would not allow for greater “wholesale” drug importation. already provides such a list that consumers can freely access. Ironically, while Senator Snowe didn’t mention it, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius, actually published such a list when she was governor of Kansas for a state drug importation program.

 For those interested in learning more about why personal drug importation should be made more available to Americans please watch Senator Snowe’s floor remarks.

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Online Pharmacy Economics: Extortion at Home, Freedom Abroad?

Americans need and deserve the freedom to buy medications that are safe and affordable. This is not only true as a matter of right and wrong; it’s a public health issue since about 48 million Americans don’t fill prescriptions due to cost. Online pharmacies offer an important outlet for affordable medication. That’s the good news. The bad news is that some Americans are forced to use online pharmacies when they would rather not; and others who need them are discouraged from doing so. What’s going on here?

According to a recent L.A. Times article, “Consumer Confidential: Fewer choices on buying medications,” more and more Americans are being forced by pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to purchase their medication through domestic online pharmacies. Traditionally, PBMs acted as middlemen between health insurance companies, drug companies, and pharmacies. The third party relationship between PBM and pharmacy is deteriorating and the online pharmacies being forced upon Americans are often owned and operated by the PBM! This stands in contrast to the international marketplace.

When it comes to buying medication from Canada and other international pharmacies, despite its technical illegality, Americans feel free to choose which online pharmacy they wish to shop from. We write “technically” because, due to its internal policy guidance on enforcement priorities, the FDA does not appear to prosecute individuals for buying foreign, non-controlled medication for their personal use. Still, the FDA discourages Americans from using all non-US online pharmacies, even safe ones.

Independent studies have shown that credentialed international online pharmacies can and do offer a safe shopping experience through which Americans can best afford their medication. This takes the wind out of the sails of safety-related arguments put forward by the pharmaceutical industry — which profits greatly from high American drug prices — against personal drug importation. But there are other criticisms of personal drug importation that have to do with economics.

Foreign pharmacies are cheaper because other governments negotiate with pharmaceutical companies to control drug prices for all their citizens, something the U.S. government does not do.  Thus, personal drug importation is criticized for “importing” drug price controls and spoiling our “free market” in pharmaceuticals. But is our pharmaceutical market truly free?

In the LA Times article mentioned above, Jerry Lacy, who played Humphrey Bogart in “Play it Again Sam,” commented on his actor union’s arrangement with one of the largest PBM’s, Medco, which serves over 65 million people. “It’s like extortion…you do it their way or they won’t pay.” Mr. Lacy drew this conclusion after discovering he could only fill his prescriptions at the pharmacy of his choice twice at the insured (lower) price but then would have to buy from Medco’s online pharmacy or pay full (a higher) price elsewhere.

A letter to the editor by Chief Medical Officer of Express Scripts, another PBM, called “Letters: What Drugs Cost, and Why,” claims that PBM’s do provide choices. Well, maybe somewhat; but this is only partially true because the individual’s choice is not preserved. The employer or insurer chooses the option – not the individual. William Hale, in another letter to the LA Times editor, writes that he had to buy 90-day supplies for his medication from his PBM, even though his doctor would often change medication or dosage before the end of the 90 day supply. As a result, he has hundreds of unused pills and has ended up spending more than he would have if his PBM allowed him to purchase 30-day supplies from his local pharmacy. [For an excellent analysis about the free market for companies but not consumers read: “Inside The Secret World of Drug Company Rebates.”]

With foreign governments negotiating for lower prices in order to reign in government budgets, pharmaceutical companies seek higher profits from higher drug prices in the American “not-so-free” market..The American pharmaceutical market victimizes the millions of American consumers who are forced each year to pay more and more than their foreign counterparts for the same brand name medication or suffer the health consequences due to not taking prescribed medication. One way Americans seek justice is through international online pharmacies.

If considering online personal drug importation or any online pharmacy, experts have advised consumers to avoid online pharmacies that are not credentialed by reputable third parties, such as or VIPPS. But using common sense, Americans can and do make wise decisions about buying drugs online. For generic drugs, U.S. online pharmacies are often less expensive than non-US online pharmacies. The complete opposite is true for brand name drugs. Due to price competition among international online pharmacies (and of course foreign price controls), Americans can acquire from abroad the same medications sold here at an 80% discount.

By herding more of their members to their own pharmacies obviously PBMs can offer lower prices than local pharmacies; but this price reduction is not due to a “free market.”  The only pharmaceutical market that is meaningful to most Americans is the one that provides them a safe prescription medication at the lowest price. Ironically it is often non-US online pharmacies that offer them such freedom.

Tagged with: , , , , Applauds Drug Reimportation Amendment Sponsored by McCain and Franken

In their blog yesterday, our friends at, an advocacy group dedicated to helping Americans afford needed prescription medication, applauded Senator McCain’s (R-AZ) amendment to the Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act to greater facilitate safe and legal personal drug importation of prescription medications from verified Canadian pharmacies. Despite Senator McCain’s emphasis on verification and product authenticity, and co-sponsor Al Franken’s (D-MN) statement on this bill’s role in reducing overall healthcare spending, the amendment failed in a 12-9 vote in the Senate Committee on Health, Education, and Labor and Pensions.

Those against the bill cited drug product safety issues and concerns over the anonymity of the internet. Most vociferously, Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) claimed that even with the bill consumers would still not know where there drugs were coming from, failing to recognize or understand that the solution to this problem is written in the amendment, which calls for a verification process that would identify safe online pharmacies. Just such a program was adopted by Kathleen Sebelius, now Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, when she was Governor of Kansas.

For more on this vote, please visit

Click here for a video of the committee hearing. Coverage of the amendment begins at 28:40.

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New York Times Op-Ed Calls For Legalization of Personal Drug Importation From Credentialed International Online Pharmacies

The main Op-Ed article in today’s New York Times, “The Wrong Way to Stop Fake Drugs,” calls for the legalization of personal drug importation from credentialed international online pharmacies, such as those approved in the Verification Program. Authored by Roger Bate, a resident scholar at American Enterprise Institute, the central message of the piece is that the technical ban on personal drug importation does not help the fight against counterfeit drugs but does discourage Americans from getting needed medication. We couldn’t agree more.

Dr. Bate offers evidence-based and compassionate approaches to help uninsured/underinsured Americans obtain medication at affordable prices and reduce the threat of counterfeit medication domestically and abroad. For more on this story see today’s press release

For the past year, Americans who buy medication from international online pharmacies have engaged through to help stop government actions that could block their online access to safe and affordable medication. Taking the cue from this latest op-ed, Americans should start asking their leaders to pass legislation directing the FDA to provide accurate information about online pharmacies. At the very least, the FDA should cease its categorical warning against all international online pharmacies for the simple reason that some are very safe and can help more Americans afford needed medications.

We looked at the top five brand name drugs by sales today to highlight the incredible price discrepancies between US pharmacy and international online pharmacy prices.

Price Comparisons for Lipitor, Advair Diskus, Nexium, Abilify, and Plavix

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International Online Pharmacies Can Help Americans Afford Prescribed Asthma Medications

Today we issued a press release showing that the most popular brand name asthma medications are on average 76% less when purchasing from the lowest-cost online pharmacies than at U.S. bricks and mortar pharmacies. For example, a three month supply of Advair Diskus (250-50mcg/dose), a popular preventative medication, costs $947.97 at a bricks-and-mortar pharmacy in New York City. The same medicine, by the same manufacturer, costs $149.00, at a verified international online pharmacy – a savings of 84%. With such high prices domestically it’s no surprise Americans with asthma often find themselves going without needed treatments and ending up in emergency rooms.

A 2005 study sponsored by Kaiser Family Foundation, Harvard School of Public Health, and USA Today found that 44% of American households with an asthma sufferer are unable to follow prescribed treatments due to cost. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1.7 million Americans went to emergency rooms in 2009 due to their asthma conditions. The CDC attributed such hospitalizations to low adherence to asthma management strategies, which include taking preventative asthma medication. A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association last month reported that out-of-pocket costs for medicine were a factor in greater hospitalization rates among children with asthma in the U.S

The health benefits of products such as Advair Diskus, Flovent, and Singulair – preventative asthma medications –are sometimes difficult for patients to ascertain when they are not showing asthma symptoms. Unfortunately, because prices for these products are so high in the United States, Americans view skipping these medications as a way to save money and others simply can’t afford them. If more Americans could find these products at more reasonable prices, such as from verified international online pharmacies, then adherence would improve, leading to less ER visits, better overall health outcomes, and lower healthcare costs for all of us. And with more affordable asthma medication, trips to the grocery store will be less daunting.

For more on asthma medication prices, see the press release.

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