PharmacyChecker Blog

Helping Americans Get The Truth About Prescription Drug Savings
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New York’s Medication Spending Problem: How Much Are You Wasting?

New research by Express Scripts shows that our nation is wasting $418 billion dollars annually  on excess medication-related expenses. To our dismay, our home state of New York was near the top of the list of wasters, spending an extra $1,411 per resident due to our failure to purchase the lowest priced medicine, use the most cost effective pharmacy, and – worst of all –  properly take medication.

Not surprisingly, one of the main problems identified by Express Scripts was failure to use a generic substitute for brand name medicine. However, not all brand name medicines have generic counterparts! Many New Yorkers (and people from other states, too) turn to online pharmacies to save. In  fact, by ordering many brand  medications from verified international online pharmacies, New Yorkers and all Americans could save well over $1,411 annually.

As examples, check out the savings on Advair Diskus, Abilify, and Crestor below. For prices on other brand name medications from verified online pharmacies,  compare drug prices on

Advair Diskus:
Advair Diskus is one of the most popular maintenance medications for asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Savings on a three-month supply by ordering internationally online instead of a local pharmacy in New York City are $1,184. Over the course of a year, that’s $4,736!


Three-Month Supply of Advair Diskus (250-50mcg) Cost


Savings over Local Pharmacy

Percent Savings

Local NY Pharmacy: $2,214
International Online Pharmacy $330 $1,184 81%

Local pharmacy in New York City, International Online Pharmacy price as found on Prices collected 10/24/2012

Abilify, used to treat schizophrenia, bipolar I disorder, major depressive disorder, and other conditions, costs just over $2,200 for a 90-day supply. When ordered from a verified international online pharmacy, the price drops to $330. That’s $1,870 for three months of medicine. Over the year that’s $7,480. That’s the amount of medication-related wasted spending for over 5 New Yorkers.


Three-Month Supply of Abilify (10 mg) Cost


Savings over Local Pharmacy

Percent Savings

Local Pharmacy: $2,214
International Online Pharmacy $330 $1,184 81%

Local pharmacy in New York City, International Online Pharmacy price as found on Prices collected 10/24/2012

Spending on Crestor, a medication used to treat conditions including hyperlipidemia, mixed dyslipidemia, and hypertriglyceridemia, has increased by over 250% from 2007 to 2011, from $1.7 billion to $4.4 billion. So how big are the savings? For a three-month supply, you can save $580. Over the year, that’s $2,320.

Three-Month Supply of Crestor (10 mg) Cost



Savings over Local Pharmacy

Percent savings

U.S. Local Pharmacy $632.97
International Online Pharmacy $52.20 $580.77 92%

Local pharmacy in New York City, International Online Pharmacy price as found on Prices collected 11/26/2012. International Online Pharmacy prices calculated from 84 pills.


Lexapro, Zoloft, and Prozac: The Best Savings

About 30 million Americans take anti-depressants,which mean that their prices greatly impact our national medicine bill. Belonging to a class known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI’s), Lexapro, Zoloft, and Prozac are among the most popular brand name antidepressants available. While all three of these medications – and other SSRI’s – are available as generics, if you’re paying out-of-pocket, finding the best price isn’t usually as simple as walking into your local pharmacy…

Generic SSRI’s At My Local Pharmacy
Zoloft and Prozac have been available as generics since 2007 and 2001, respectively. The price for the brands are incredibly high – $558 for 90 pills of Zoloft (100 mg) and $720 for 90 pills of Prozac (10 mg). Luckily, the generic prices are much lower. Generic Zoloft, known as sertraline, is $146.97 at my local pharmacy for 90 pills. Generic Prozac – called fluoxetine – is only $15.99.

The $15.99 for 90 pills (10 mg) of fluoxetine, is a great deal, but it can still be beat!In my research, the price at most brick-and-mortar pharmacies using a drug coupon was between $15 and $17.Oneeven better price was through a U.S.-based online pharmacy, where it was $9.50 for 90 pills.

The real savings comes in the search for generic Zoloft. There is absolutely no need to pay $146.97 for 90 pills (100 mg), the price mentioned above at mylocal pharmacy. A drug discount card can reduce the price to around $65. And a drug coupon can bring it down to around $15 at many pharmacies in my neighborhood.That’s an 89% savings, and just over $500 saved annually.

When a generic is first introduced, there are usually only one or two companies making the product, so the price remains high:case in point, Lexapro (escitalopram). Ninety pills (10 mg)are$351.89. Using a discount card or drug coupon reduces the price to $38.46.However, Costco crushes the competition, selling it for around $11.40. That’s an amazing97% savings, and just over $1,350 annually.

Brand Name SSRI’s
If you need the brand name SSRI, the lowest prices are found internationally. Just make sure the pharmacy is verified by a third party, such as those listed on The average savings on brand name Lexapro, Prozac, and Zoloft from international pharmaciesis 82%. View the savings chart below:

Savings on Lexapro (10 mg, 90 pills)

Pharmacy Price Savings
Local Pharmacy $590.97
International Online Pharmacy $84.60 $506.37
Annual Savings:$2,025.48 price calculated from 100 pills

Savings on Prozac (10 mg, 90 pills)

Pharmacy Price Savings
Local Pharmacy $720.00
International Online Pharmacy $188.10 $531.90
Annual Savings: $2,127.60

Savings on Zoloft (100 mg, 90 pills)

Pharmacy Price Savings
Local Pharmacy $558.00
International Online Pharmacy $60.30 $497.70
Annual Savings: $1,990.80

The bottom line here is to check all of your options before buying generic or brand name antidepressants. Your best bets for generic Zoloft, Prozac, or Lexapro are definitely drug discount cards or coupons. You may want to print out a few different coupons and discount cards available on the internet and then bring them to a few pharmacies to compare prices. If you want or need the brand, international online pharmacies offer incredibly low prices and potentially thousands of dollars in savings each year.

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The Price of Gleevec: A Tale of Two Supreme Courts

Gleevec 400 mg tablets

Gleevec 400 mg tablets photo credit: Patrick Pelletier Creative Commons CC-BY-SA-3.0

Americans interested in generic drug prices and pharmaceutical patent law have been closely following the U.S. Supreme Court as it hears arguments in a case over “pay-for-delay”  –  the practice of brand-name drug-makers seeking greater profits by paying off generic manufacturers to delay introduction of low-cost generic drugs. If “pay-for-delay” tactics are declared unconstitutional, then generics would reach pharmacy shelves faster, translating to lower prices for consumers, health insurers, and taxpayers.

The Court’s decision isn’t expected until June, but last Monday the Supreme Court of another country rendered another decision related to generics that may affect American prices. India’s Supreme Court ruled against the drug company Novartis’ patent claim on Gleevec, a cancer medication. Since India’s decision allows drug companies to continue manufacturing generic versions of Gleevec, called imatinib mesylate, prices will remain exceedingly low in India and low-income countries that import Indian pharmaceuticals.

So how much cheaper is generic Gleevec in Indian pharmacies than brand name Gleevec in American pharmacies? The New York Times reported that a one-year supply of brand name Gleevec in the U.S. is a staggering $70,000. The generic in India is only $2,500!

Additionally, even though Gleevec is under patent in other high-income countries like it is in the U.S., it is far less expensive internationally. At a local New York City pharmacy the price for 30 pills of Gleevec (400mg) is $6,980. The same brand name Gleevec (400 mg) from a Canadian pharmacy is just under $3,700. The same drug (but marketed by Novartis as Glivic), can be ordered online from Turkey for $2,979.  That’s a potential savings of $4,000 a month! If you choose to buy Gleevec or any medication online, to protect your health, stick to verified online pharmacies, such as those approved by

In the wake of the Indian Supreme Court’s decision, it would not be surprising if Novartis reacts by raising Gleevec prices here in America to bolster profits.  Governments of other high-income countries probably won’t allow Novartis to raise prices on Gleevec, due to price controls. This is patently unfair to Americans, who should not have to pay so much more for the same medication than citizens of other high-income countries.

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Drug Prices Spike by Double the Inflation Rate in 2012

Drug prices increased by 3.6% in 2012, more than double the inflation rate of 1.7%Prescription drug prices rose 3.6% in America during 2012, more than twice the 1.7% inflation rate, according to a recent USA Today article citing Bureau of Economic Analysis data. Other healthcare costs, including doctor visits, lab tests, and nursing home expenditures increased less than the inflation rate.

Unfortunately, high drug prices are an urgent health crisis in America. An estimated 150 million prescriptions go unfilled each year and 25 million Americans report becoming sicker because they skip medicine, all due to cost. For more on the deadly problem of drug prices, visit RxSOS. These dramatic price increases have a very real effect on American health, and makes the work we do at all the more important for Americans struggling to afford medication to find safe and affordable medication online

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Diovan HCT (Valsartan Hydrochlorothiazide) Savings

Diovan HCT (Valsartan Hydrochlorothiazide) is one of the most popular drugs in America for treating high blood pressure, a condition that afflicts about 68 million Americans and increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. Though Diovan HCT became available as a generic at the end of last year, its brand name and generic costs are still high. If you are fed up with these prices, you can find serious savings either by ordering online or using a variety of discounts at your local pharmacy. Here’s the good news: You can save over 80% on both brand and generic versions!

Diovan HCT Discounts:

My local pharmacy in New York City charges $515 for a 90-day supply of Diovan HCT. Expensive! By ordering from a verified international online pharmacy, I found I could save 88% and pay only $63 for a 90-day supply. That’s an annual savings of $1,808. The savings from a discount card, discount coupon, and U.S.-based online pharmacy weren’t so hot – each one saved around $80, or 16%. Check out the price comparisons.

Valsartan Hydrochlorothiazide Discounts:

Even though generic Diovan HCT is available as Valsartan Hydrochlorothiazide in the U.S., it is still expensive at $369.99 for 90 pills. Once again, the best savings were found are from verified international online pharmacies — $61 for 90 pills. The drug coupon was the best domestic option, bringing the price for 90 pills to $147, but this was only at one particular pharmacy. If you choose to use a coupon or discount card, make sure to check prices at all pharmacies in your area, as they will often be different. View our pricing table below.

Savings on 90 Pills of Diovan HCT (160/12.5 mg)

Program Price Savings over Local Pharmacy Percent savings
U.S. Local Pharmacy $515.00
Discount Card Option $433.79 $81.21 16%
Discount Coupon Option $432.94 $82.06 16%
U.S. Online Pharmacy $430.31 $84.69 16%
International Online Pharmacy $63.00* $452.00 88%

Local pharmacy in New York City, U.S. online international pharmacy found at International Online Pharmacy price as found on, discount card used found on, coupon found on Prices collected 2/19/2013.

*Price Calculated from 84 pills

Savings on 90 Pills of Valsartan Hydrochlorothiazide(160/12.5 mg)

Program Price Savings over Local Pharmacy Percent savings
U.S. Local Pharmacy $369.99
Discount Card Option $340.74 $29.25 8%
Discount Coupon Option $147.74 $222.25 60%
U.S. Online Pharmacy $289.00 $80.99 22%
International Online Pharmacy $61.00 $308.99 84%%

Local pharmacy in New York City, U.S. online international pharmacy found at International Online Pharmacy price as found on, discount card used found on, coupon found on Prices collected 2/19/2013.

View other strengths here:

  • Diovan HCT
  • Valsartan Hydrochlorothiazide
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